Le foto di Amber Smith

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Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Amber.

Informazioni generali

  • 7 referenze 3 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English; lingua che sta imparando Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
  • 37, Donna
  • Membro dal 2019
  • skin care consultant
  • associates of science in pysical therapy
  • Città di origine non indicata
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

I am from the US originally but have lived in and traveled to many places. My husband and I live full time as digital nomads and are exploring all over the world. Im an adrenaline junkie who loves to travel and have new experiences in new cultures. English is my first language, I speak conversational Spanish, and a little Italian & Portuguese. I am just looking to meet cool people with good vibes and explore new cultures and experiences.

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I had many good experiences with Couchsurfing while traveling solo in my past. I have met many interesting people and enjoyed fun experiences, so I’m hoping to do the same as we continue travel around abroad. I want to meet like minded individuals and learn about each other’s cultures through meet ups & hangouts. I can’t host atm, and I do not need a place to stay, but am open to exploring the area with new people


I enjoy outdoor, active, things like scuba diving, surfing, running, biking, camping, and hiking. I love live music and craft beer!

  • cooking
  • wine
  • beer
  • running
  • boating
  • hiking
  • camping
  • surfing
  • jet skiing
  • skydiving
  • trail running
  • swimming
  • biking
  • diving
  • tubing

Musica, film e libri

I enjoy almost any music live, I go to a few EDM festivals every year. I enjoy any music I can dance to :)

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto


Insegna, impara, condividi

I love anything active and learning new activities, I am currently hoping to continue to improve my Spanish and Portuguese and French language skills. I can teach you about American culture and travel and English language skills.

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

I have traveled and lived in many places and I hope to connect with other travelers and offer each other new experiences from our own cultures

Paesi che ho visitato

Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, France, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, United States

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Amber.